This is Veroniqi, or Niqi as some call her! She's a real rail killer from the bloomy Netherlands who found her heart in the mountains on her snowboard. Many months of the year you find her here in Salt Lake.
Check the weather forecast and pick your outfit.
It’s snowing!! And it is going to be cold.
I’m gonna go with the Icecold Boyfriends Fit top and Icecold Nebula pants.
Protest Atlin Jacket and black Lole pants.
Pick out some socks and maybe a sweater depending on the temperature.
3. Warm up and do yoga
I’m not a yoga expert but I love just looking up yoga sequences on youtube and warm up for snowboarding!
I’ve been doing this one every morning for a few days now and it makes me feel perfectly warmed up when I get to the mountain
4. Pack your backpack with essentials
Things I always have in my backpack:
Protein bar to snack on when I get hungry
Water bottle
Goggles and sunglasses
A screwdriver and spare parts
My video/photo camera
5. Check if you have everything and head out the door
Base layer
Beanie or hat
Season pass
Phone & wallet